Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Does God Really Exist - 2011 Words

Page 1 Does God really exist? The existence of God has been a controversial question for as long as time has existed. As many arguments can be made for and against the existence of God. In this essay, I wish to explore arguments both for and against and eventually come a conclusion that God does indeed exist. The very essence of Man, all his values and his beliefs, are wrapped up in this question, Does God exist? Most of us were brought up to believe that God does exist, and as such it is deeply engrained in our psyche. The religious books, for example, the Quran, the Bible and the Torah all claim great religious journeys and miracles that were experienced by biblical characters like the prophets and even ordinary people of the†¦show more content†¦This point to the need to have faith, the ability to believe in that which is not tangible, that you cannot see, feel, touch or hear. A more cynical argument but still one that deserves a mention is the argument from French mathematician, Blaise Pascal. (2). He said that religion teaches us that if we believe in God and he does in fact exist, we will earn the reward of Heaven for ever. If, on the other hand, we do believe in God and he does not exist we will only have given up some forbidden fun prohibited by religion. If we don’t believe in God and he does exist we will have had the anti religious forbidden fun but we might go to Hell. If we do believe in God and he does exist then we have no problem. So, does it not make more sense to believe in God, forgo a little fun and be safe – just in case? This leads us to look at Atheism, which the website Conservapedia lists as being defined as (7) the denial of the Existence of God. Paul-Henri Thiry was one of the first exponents of atheism as early as the mid 1700s. Atheists believed that as there is no proof that God exists as as religion has not managed to produce proof that he does exist – you cannot believe that he does. Somehow, all the wonder of creation and of the intricacies of the universe appears to go unnoticed by them. Lately this theory has been watered down. Led by Charles Bradlough inShow MoreRelatedDoes God Really Exists? Essay1306 Words   |  6 PagesDoes God Really Exists The idea of God has been one of the most debatable issues since the dawn of humanity and with it guided as well as deluded most lives in the pursuit for the truth. The impacts springing from the notion of God has from time memorial changed history, inspired more poetry and music including philosophy more than anything else, imagined or real. Peter Kreft once concluded that â€Å"The idea of God is either a fact, like sand, or a fantasy like Santa† (Lawhead, p. 334). 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