Thursday, February 27, 2020

Evolution of modern dance Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Evolution of modern dance - Personal Statement Example The movements are put into â€Å"bits† just the same way we communicate through language. The whole dance art is a creative process in which life experience plays a critical role. The feelings of the audience and the aesthetic responses are what choreographers tend to be so sensitive. The process of creativity within the context of dancing is a showcase of a sense of personal growth and discovery, that is, the discovery because of sub-conscious. America grew up with dance. The American dance continues to be a barometer of life among the Americans. However, it from the streets to the stage, dance in America was capturing everyday gestures, cultural retentions, social dances, spiritual principles, and socio-political issues. These sources incorporation with the spirit of risk-taking, persistence, exploration, and independence have been the benchmark through the formation of what we today known as the American modern dance. The American modern dance has emerged into diverse movement vocabularies, social and cultural concerns, and individual choreographic impulses- the American modern dance is an irreplaceable national treasure and touchstone. Since the inception of the American modern dance, it has been a cultural mainstay at home and a crucial ambassador of American culture abroad. The development of the genre of dance has been through a chain of succession as different generations build on the work of, or rather rebel against, their mentors, creating a lineage marked with innovation and also radicalism. The definition of modern dance cannot be neatly reached to, but as the history tells, it is not a style parse but a continually evolving pursuit to share and discover the expressive potential of human movement. For the choreographers who practice this contemporary dance genre use unique movements, innovate, techniques, shapes, and gestures to suit the dynamics in the intentions of modern dance. Modern at times incorporates the theatrical texts and

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Human resource line manager Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Human resource line manager - Essay Example The goal of this paper is to resolve the eternal Line Manager-HRM Manager dilemma and show how these two professions interact in a Soft and Hard HRM models. This paper does not merely define the concepts and scope of obligations but performs a detailed analysis of the controversies surrounding the roles of LM and HRM professionals operating collectively in one and the same organizational structure. This paper teaches a good lesson of excellence in organizational performance: only constant cooperation between HR and Line Managers can lead organizations to the desired strategic outcomes. Overview of Human Resource managers and Line managers It is hard to describe the general responsibilities of HR managers, since the scope and range of their obligations largely depends upon the organizational structure in which they operate or the HRM model they pursue (Mullins,2005). Generally, a HR manager’s goal is to achieve excellence in employee performance and use is as a valuable organiz ational resource. HR managers work to maintain a close association between employee skills and their job obligations. Therefore, they have a significant effect on the staff and their levels of performance and productivity (Bovee et al 2007). Line managers are department based managers, who are aware of how business operates and what exactly customers need (Marchington & Wilkinson 2005). Line managers are experts in their own field, and usually they are not supposed to have knowledge of Human resource management (Mullins 2005). Rather, Line Managers exemplify a strong bridge between lower and higher managerial levels, thus letting them accommodate their operational priorities (Power et al 2008). In a company that considers itself efficient, communication between HR managers and line managers is crucial. Human resource managers may be effective at the organization level, but they need to interact with line managers, who have access and connect them to lower rank managers. Line manager s have instant responsibility at departmental level (Mullins,2005). Hard Model (Resource Based) Hard approach emphasises managing the head count resource in rational ways as for any other economic factor like land or capital (Truss et al.,1997). The Hard model concentrates on quantitative, measurable criteria and control and performance management, to create competitive advantage and add value to all department decisions and operations (Gill,1999). According to Storey (2007), the main goal of HRM in the resource-based model must be that of encouraging employees to enhance their engagement with workplace tasks and organizational compliance. WBBS adopted hard HRM model successfully West Bromwich Building society initiated the development of a new management approach, which will become the fundamental part of its business strategy. They tried to create an employee-customer-service-profit cycle, with employee engagement as its core element. The concept of engagement is essentially about people's willingness and ability to contribute discretion efforts. WBBS began to train their line managers at twelve different strategies, including culture changes and coaching. Following the implementation of the framework, engagement in all departments was measured. All results were taken seriously and sent to inform department heads. The outcomes of the model implementation are clear: improved customer satisfaction, record-breaking financial results, UK business excellence award